It can be a bit difficult for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) to find an internet marketing strategy that is affordable and effective, and it’s usually a source of frustration when Google releases a new algorithm update which changes rankings around. If you’re looking for alternative internet marketing trends to leverage to help your business grow with confidence, you may want to take some time to consider the options listed below.
That being said, there’s no better time than the beginning of a new year to look at the latest internet marketing trends and figure out which strategies to pursue. Whether you’re working on revamping an outdated website for your established small business or you’ve just begun a brand new project, it’s the perfect time to take a look at how content marketing evolved during the last year and to figure out a plan of action for next year.
Here are a few different strategy ideas that your business can try out in the year ahead.
Latest Internet Marketing Trends In Video
Visuals are only getting more important to internet users, so if you’re going to create new content, you might as well make sure that it looks great! Video marketing is just one way to use graphics in your content, but it’s quickly becoming the most popular way that people consume information. You don’t have to create extensive videos; simply creating a few short videos (under five minutes) to accompany written content can make a big difference in your content marketing strategy. If video marketing is a bit over your budget, consider adding some sort of graphics to your content; articles with pictures or videos actually get 94% more views than articles with just writing.
Latest Social Media Marketing Trends
This is becoming a huge force behind search engine optimization services for two reasons: First, it’s free! Second, a lot of people are already using social media. Around 89% of Millennials use social media regularly and 43% of senior citizens do the same! Regardless of who your ideal client might be, social media marketing is an effective way to work on branding and content creation, and it’s even an easy way to incorporate paid advertising as well.
Latest Ideas For Marketing Automation
There are so many types of digital marketing strategies to choose from; it’s simply too time-consuming to get it all done yourself. An automated marketing platform can make a huge difference if you’re focusing on something like email marketing, because it allows you to schedule emails in advance and sends them out automatically. Timing is actually really important for email marketing, in fact, and 76% of emails are opened within two days of being sent (especially on weekdays).
So what internet marketing strategies do you think will dominate the industry during 2023? Should small businesses focus on tried-and-true internet marketing strategies, like email marketing, or they branch out and try something new, like video marketing? Let us know what you think!