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International Market Entry

International marketing is hard, but we’ve surpassed obstacles and helped companies a lot like yours get results in their international marketing. Imagine what we can do for you, expanding your audience exponentially through proven global marketing strategies and the tactics that carry them out.

We know how hard it can be to set up an ad campaign that creates an opening for your international business expansion, no matter which nation or region you want to reach. We know the ins and outs of international SEO services, even in languages you don’t speak.

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51% Consultation Requests Euro Med Clinic
331% Key Market Growth Luxury Retailer
4,400 Site Visits Regional Development Office
100+ New Markets Entered Truck Parts Retailer
Google Premier Partner 2024
Microsoft Advertising Partner 2024
Trusted Digital Marketing Agencies | Inc. 5000 Online Marketing Firm
Top Rated G2 Online Marketing Firm | Google Analytics Services
5-Star Clutch Rated Online Marketing Firm | Online Advertising Agency

Our Results

Just A Few Clients We Have Helped Sell Into 150+ Countries

SEO & PPC For Truck Parts Website

“DOM has been instrumental in the success of our website. Their personalized service is remarkable. Additionally, their experts have the knowledge of other industries and are able to help us determine what the best solutions are for our company and industry.”

SEO and PPC Services for Online Retail | Testimonial Headshot
Chad Remp
International & Ecommerce Sales Manager star rating

Complete Transparency

“Their internal reports and tools far exceed the expectations we had. This depth of analysis was unavailable to us prior to our work with DOM.”

Honest Digital Marketing Agency | Testimonial Headshot
Christian Brockey
Executive star rating

DOM's International Marketing Services

Maybe you’re an experienced exporter looking for international business expansion or improving sales in a market you already have a start in. Or maybe you’re new to exporting altogether. No matter what your situation is, our international digital marketing expertise can help.

We have helped clients from every populated continent sell their products and services through our global marketing strategies and solutions. We’re an exporter ourselves and have won awards for our efforts.

Beyond our own exporting, we’re proud to have helped our clients sell to over 150 countries around the world. We sit on the West Virginia District Exporting Council and have spoken to organizations at events throughout the Americas and Europe about how to grow their businesses online. If you’re interested in generating foreign sales, we’ve even given a webinar on that specific topic.

Our talented group of digital marketing agency specialists have built a wealth of knowledge from real-world tests yielding $100’s of millions in sales for our clients. You can rely on our global marketing strategies and expertise to provide you with strategic recommendations, providing the framework for the most profitable export marketing campaigns possible.

Financing may be available for your export marketing efforts. Ask us how.

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Marketing Across Continents | International graphic background circle


Our International Digital Marketing Process

Strategic Planning
Upon engagement, we develop a custom strategic plan to meet your goals, whether those goals are based on traffic, sales, conversions, or any other marketing metric.

This plan lays out all the work that we know is necessary for success, but allows flexibility for adjustments based on campaign performance and changing objectives in your international business expansion plans.

Full Account Management
Running ad campaigns is the quickest way to test markets for interest and begin generating leads and sales. We can set up test campaigns and run accounts for ongoing efforts.

Leave everything to us to manage the campaigns and guide you through the digital export marketing process.

Website Optimization
When you’re already sure of a market, search engine optimization (SEO) may be your best long-term play. We have the experience to help you target specific countries and languages, including how to set up a multi-nation approach. Our international SEO services help you to gain visibility in all your target markets.

Native Translation
While Google Translate is great in a pinch to translate an email you received, it doesn’t work so well for important marketing materials and efforts. We’ll use native translating marketers that we have on our team whenever possible. When that’s not the case, we’ll use professional translation and localization.

Plus, we can work with your team, distributors, etc. to ensure that your messaging is up to snuff for anyone that reads it.

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Keyword & Competitive Research

We love search engines for export marketing because they’re all about intent. In which regions are people looking for what you sell? We can help you test demand and work in conjunction with other resources like the U.S. Commercial Service or SelectUSA. We’ll find out how people are searching for what you sell and what your in-market and foreign competition looks like.

Our keyword research gives us the ability to find exactly how your potential customers are searching for your product, and helps us craft the messaging which gets them to convert.

International Ad Creation & Testing
If you are running ad campaigns, we’ll write a variety of ads for your review and test them against one another. While this testing helps campaign performance, it also offers insight into what messaging may work in face-to-face meetings and other sales and marketing campaigns.

Country Testing & Optimization
We’ll help you narrow down a list of target markets into your best performers. Some clients use campaign results to determine other business objectives, such as which markets to visit or to set appointments for visits.

We’ll assist you in all your international marketing objectives and return the highest possible ROI from all international search engine marketing efforts.

Updates & Reporting
As any exporter knows, communication is even more important when working with someone in a different country than your own. If you’re outside the U.S., you can count on us for weekly Zoom (or Skype, or Teams) sessions and reporting.

If you’re a fellow American company, we’ll give you the same treatment so you know exactly what is going on with your campaigns and can track the performance of your investment. We work without borders, helping with international business expansion into and out of the U.S.

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