DOM News

DOM Receives Presidential Award for Exporting

By Ryan Norman| 3 Min Read | May 22, 2024
President’s “E” Award for Export Service

We’re excited to announce that we’ve been honored with the President’s “E” Award for Export Service. The Department of Commerce specifically recognized DOM’s digital marketing efforts to help American companies export their goods and services to countries around the globe. We were also recognized for the export of our services to two dozen countries representing each populated continent.

“DOM has demonstrated a sustained commitment to export expansion. The “E” Awards Committee recognizes DOM’s measurement of client export success supported by the company’s programs,” said Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo in her congratulatory letter to the company.

In a ceremony on Tuesday, May 14th, at the U.S. Department of Commerce Headquarters in Washington, D.C., DOM and other winners were honored along with other companies for their contributions to U.S. exports. DOM’s Client Services Manager, Jason Ohsie, accepted the award on our behalf.

DOM’s Client Services Manager, Jason Ohsie, President’s “E” Award for Export Service on behalf of Direct Online Marketing
DOM’s Client Services Manager Jason Ohsie [right]

In addition, DOM was recognized at the U.S. Commercial Service’s Trade Winds event in Istanbul that same day as we and other award winners were attending the trade mission to expand our exporting activities in Türkiye and throughout the region. DOM President Justin Seibert and Director of Operations Nikki Powley represented DOM on stage.

DOM was recognized at the U.S. Commercial Service’s Trade Winds event in Istanbul, Türkiye, in May 2024
DOM President Justin Seibert [4th from right] and Director of Operations Nikki Powley [3rd from right]

The President’s “E” Award is the highest recognition that a company can receive for contributions to U.S. exporting. American companies are nominated for “E” Awards through the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service office network, located within the Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration.

History of the Presidential Exporting Award

This year is the 63rd anniversary of the “E” Awards ceremony. President Kennedy signed an executive order in 1961 to create the award, which has its origins in an honor that was given out during World War II to recognize America’s exporters.

The President’s “E” Award (“E-for-Export”) is the highest recognition a person or U.S. entity can receive for making a significant contribution to the expansion of U.S. exports.

As an “E” Award winner, DOM has been authorized to fly a blue and white banner, to display a certificate of commendation signed by the Secretary of Commerce in the name and by the authority of the President of the United States, to wear and issue to employees an “E” lapel pin, and to refer to the award in our advertising.

DOM’s Client Services Manager, Jason Ohsie, accepts the President’s “E” Award for Export Service on behalf of Direct Online Marketing
DOM’s Client Services Manager Jason Ohsie [left]

How DOM Helps Businesses with Exporting

For exporters aiming to expand their reach, leveraging search engines to connect with global customers is a highly effective strategy. Digital marketing stands as a crucial tool, whether you’re seeking to boost existing international sales or making your first foray into overseas markets.

At DOM, we know about the challenges and opportunities that exporting presents. We’ve helped our clients sell into 150+ countries through various international digital marketing services:

  • Conducting assessments of local demand and online traffic by county
  • Running targeted ad campaigns to reach your audience
  • Implementing SEO best practices to enhance global visibility
  • Connecting you with the U.S. Commercial Service office in your area
  • Localizing your content in line with cultural differences
  • Analyzing data to track results and achieve business goals

Contact us today for a no-obligation discussion about exporting opportunities for your business!

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Written by Ryan Norman

Ryan Norman is a Digital Advertising Account Manager for DOM. Ryan earned a BA in English from Wheeling Jesuit University. His blog posts cover PPC strategy and how to improve your writing. When he's not helping DOM's clientele grow confidently online, Ryan enjoys backpacking and philosophy.

View Ryan Norman's Full Bio

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